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Spice up 

your personal

growth journey.

Gewürze auf Löffel

As an executive coach, I am a sparring partner and a sounding board for leaders and decision makers. This can support executives and entrepreneurs in managing concrete challenges as well as in fine-tuning or enhancing their leadership style. If you have achieved a lot but feel that there is more to do, this is for you.

For a long time already, coaching has been part of my own leadership style and I have further honed these skills through INSEAD’s Coaching Certificate Program.


My coaching does not follow a specific “school” of coaching, but leverages and combines various approaches. Most importantly, it follows the client’s interests and goals.


All coaching starts with the client, and the client remains in the driver’s seat throughout the coaching journey.

What is it that the client wants to look deeper into, to make sense of, to address, to change, or to improve? What are the goals of the coaching, and where can I, as a coach, support the client in reaching them?  ​

To be crystal clear: It is the client who sets the goals, defines the playing field, and sets the pace. As a coach, I am a facilitator of this growth journey.

Thus, my role is to ask questions, to listen, to wonder, to probe, and to offer hypotheses — in short, to help the client achieve his or her goals. This can mean changing a certain behavior, overcoming a concrete professional challenge, or setting and pursuing new professional or personal goals.

Let’s find out how this can be the right step for you!

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